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On "minimal presentation" of local rings essentially of finite type over a field

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $0$. Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a local ring essentially of finite type over $k$ ( Then, $R$ is the homomorphic image of ...
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Krull dimensions and regular sequences

I am trying to understand if a certain condition on quotient rings is sufficient for a sequence to be regular. Here is the setting: Let $\mathbb{C}[u_1,...,u_n]$ be the ring of regular functions on $\...
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Krull Dimension

For all $n$, I need to find examples of rings $A\subset B$ such that: i) $\dim A-\dim B\gt n$ ii) $\dim B-\dim A\gt n$ (where $\dim$ is the Krull dimension)