Questions tagged [abelian-schemes]

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14 votes
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Geometry underlying a comparison of Dieudonné theories

Maybe these hypotheses aren't necessary, but for me $\mathbb G$ will be a smooth formal group of dimension 1 and finite height over a perfect field $k$. There are several presentations of the ...
Eric Peterson's user avatar
11 votes
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Purity for abelian schemes up to $p$-isogenies

Let $S$ be a noetherian excellent regular scheme and $U\subset S$ an everywhere dense open of codimension $\geq 2$. For some fibered categories of geometric objects, it makes sense to ask whether the ...
Simon Pepin Lehalleur's user avatar
9 votes
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Kernels and cokernels for morphisms of abelian schemes up to isogenies

For $S$ a noetherian scheme, let $\mathcal{A}(S)$ be the additive category of abelian schemes over $S$ and $\mathcal{A}_{\mathbb{Q}}(S)$ be the category of abelian schemes up to isogenies, i.e. ...
Simon Pepin Lehalleur's user avatar
6 votes
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Failure of injectiveness of maps between cotangent spaces of abelian varieties

Let $p$ be a prime and $K$ a finite extension of $\mathbb Q_p$ with ramification index $e$. Let $\mathcal O_K$ be the ring of integers of $K$ and $k$ its residue field and the unique maximal ideal. ...
Maarten Derickx's user avatar
6 votes
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Dual Abelian scheme (relative Picard functor) vs Ext sheaf

Let $A$ be an abelian scheme over some base scheme $S$. Let $A^\vee$ be the dual abelian scheme, defined as $\text{Pic}^0_{A/S}$ where $\text{Pic}_{A/S}(T)=\text{Pic}(A_T)/\text{Pic}(A)$. (maybe some ...
gzbghl's user avatar
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Lifting morphisms of $p$-divisible groups using Grothendieck-Messing theory

During my reading of Peter Scholze and Jared Weinstein's paper ``Moduli of $p$-divisible groups'' I found this assertion in the proof of Proposition 6.1.3. Consider the following situation. Let $k$ be ...
user93678's user avatar
5 votes
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Extension of a multiple of a rational point to an integral point of a semiabelian scheme

Let $\cal A$ be a smooth commutative group scheme over $S$, where $S$ is the spectrum of a discrete valuation ring with fraction field $K$ and residue field $k$. Suppose that $A:={\cal A}_K$ is an ...
Damian Rössler's user avatar
5 votes
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Jacobian fibration of an abelian fibration

Let $f \colon S \rightarrow C$ be a minimal elliptic surface and let $g \colon J \rightarrow C$ be its jacobian fibration. In this case, we know that the fibers of $g$ are better behaved that the ones ...
Stefano's user avatar
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4 votes
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On representable abelian sheaves vs abelian sheaves

Let $S$ be a scheme, $(\text{Sch}/S)_{\rm Ét}$ a big étale site, and $A$ a representable (either in schemes or algebraic spaces over $S$) abelian sheaf on $(\text{Sch}/S)_{\rm Ét}$. Suppose there is a ...
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4 votes
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When are Abelian schemes projective?

Under what conditions on the base $X$ are Abelian schemes $\mathcal{A}/X$ projective, and projective in which sense?
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4 votes
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Dieudonné modules over rings of charateristic zero

Dear Colleagues, would appreciate if you could recommend references, if such a theory exits, for the following question. Let $A$ be an Abelian scheme over $\text{Spec}(R)$, where $R$ is a subring of ...
Alexey Zaytsev's user avatar
3 votes
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How does the number of connected components of the Néron model change in a family of abelian varieties?

Given an elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}_p$, it is known that the component group of the Néron model of $E$ is cyclic of order $-v(j(E))$ when $E$ has split multiplicative reduction, and in all other ...
Nathan Lowry's user avatar
3 votes
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Abelian scheme isogenous to dual

It is well-known that every Abelian variety is isogenous to its dual, but what about Abelian schemes?
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3 votes
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Ampleness of Hodge bundles over complex curves

Let $C$ be a smooth, proper and connected curve over the complex numbers $\bf C$. Let ${\cal G}\to C$ be a smooth group scheme over $C$ and let $\epsilon_{\cal G}:C\to{\cal G}$ be its zero-section. ...
Damian Rössler's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is the pull-back of a polarization of abelian schemes over different bases?

The following came up when reading the definition of the moduli stack of principally polarized abelian varieties in [1]. Let $\pi_1:A_1 \to S_1$ and $\pi_2: A_2 \to S_2$ be abelian schemes over $S_i$, ...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Examples of semi-abelian schemes over a curve

Let $C$ be a nice curve, i.e. $C$ is a smooth, projective, geometrically integral scheme of dimension $1$ over a field $k$. For example, (assuming the characteristic of $k$ is neither 2 or 3) an ...
Z Wu's user avatar
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Faltings' height theorem for isogenies over finite fields

For an Abelian scheme over a ring of integers in a number field, Faltings has a theorem that describes how the Faltings' height changes through an isogeny. There are multiple references for this ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Standard application of Oort-Tate classification theorem

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Spec}{Spec} \DeclareMathOperator{\tors}{tors}$In Mazur's paper “Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideals”, on the bottom of page 159, it says that if $T$ is a open subscheme of $...
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Property of Complete Variety

I have a question about a step in the proof from Lang's "Abelian Varieties" (page 20): By definition an abelian variety $A$ over field $k$ is a proper smooth $k$-group scheme that is irreducible. ...
user267839's user avatar
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Level n-structure as defined by Mumford in GIT

In Mumford's GIT, the definition of level $n$ structure ($n \geq 2)$ is $2g$ sections $\{\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_{2g}\} : S \rightarrow A$ such that two conditions hold: (i) For geometric points the ...
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