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7 votes
2 answers

Does there exist a Dehn filling of an irreducible 3-manifold with toroidal boundaries which is still irreducible?

Let $M$ be a compact, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold with incompressible toroidal boundary (there might be more than one boundary component). Is it always possible to choose appropriate slopes on ...
YC Su's user avatar
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4 votes
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Survey or good reference of taut foliations

I am interested in the topology of foliations. In particular, I want to understand taut foliations, or projectively Anosov flows, and Anosov flows. I guess that A. Candel and L. Conlon, Foliations I (...
user473085's user avatar
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Bipartedly slice links and their surgeries

A link L in $S^3$ is said to be strongly slice if $L=∂D$,where $D$ is a disjoint union of smoothly and properly embedded disks in $B^4$. A link $L$ in $S^3$ is called bipartedly slice if $L = L_1 \cup ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Dehn surgery on $S^3$ along a Hopf link with rational surgery coefficients

Is there an exhaustive list of conditions satisfied by rational surgery coefficients assigned to the components of the Hopf link in $S^3$ such that the resulting 3-manifold by Dehn surgery acting on $...
shashank markande's user avatar
8 votes
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Integer surgeries along links yielding lens spaces

Does there exist an integer $N$ such that any lens space $L(p,q)$ can be obtained by integer surgery from $S^3$ along a link $L$ with at most $N$ components? EDIT: I have worked out the comment by ...
Marc Kegel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Two links with the same signatures but unknown if they are related by Kirby moves

I am wondering if there are links $L_1, L_2$ in the sphere $S^3$ such that: the signatures of $L_1, L_2$ are known. we do not know if they are related by Kirby moves. If so, could you specify the ...
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11 votes
2 answers

Do the results of (1/n)-surgery determine the link?...

Knowing the result of knot surgery is often not enough to determine the knot. Indeed, there are 3-manifolds admitting an infinite number of descriptions as surgery on a (1-component) knot in $S^3$. ...
Andrew Lobb's user avatar
55 votes
3 answers

Kirby calculus and local moves

Every orientable 3-manifold can be obtained from the 3-sphere by doing surgery along a framed link. Kirby's theorem says that the surgery along two framed links gives homeomorphic manifolds if and ...
algori's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Proofs of Kirby's theorem

Each orientable 3-manifold can be obtained by doing surgery along a framed link in the 3-sphere. Kirby's theorem says that two framed links give homeomorphic manifolds if and only if they are obtained ...
algori's user avatar
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