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26 votes
6 answers

How to get convinced that there are a lot of 3-manifolds?

My question is rather philosophical : without using advanced tools as Perlman-Thurston's geometrisation, how can we get convinced that the class of closed oriented $3$-manifolds is large and that ...
Selim G's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Can one deform an immersion of a 3-manifold in $\mathbb R^4$ to an embedding in $\mathbb R^6$?

Let $M^3$ be an oriented 3-manifold, and let $f:M^3\looparrowright \mathbb R^4$ be a codimension one immersion. Is it possible to find a small deformation of the composite map $$ M^3 \to \mathbb R^4 \...
André Henriques's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

Diffeomorphism of 3-manifolds

Surgery theory aims to measure the difference between simple homotopy types and diffeomorphism types. In 3 dimensions, geometrization achieves something much more nuanced than that. Still, I wonder ...
Tim Perutz's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Diffeomorphisms vs homeomorphisms of 3-manifolds

For a smooth 3-manifold $M$, is the natural map from the space of diffeomorphisms of $M$ to the space of homeomorphisms of $M$, $${\sf Diff}(M) \longrightarrow {\sf Top}(M),$$ a weak homotopy ...
John Francis's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

The kernel of the map from the handlebody group to Outer automorphisms of a free group

Let $K$ be a compact oriented 3-dimensional handlebody of genus $g$. The group $H_g$ of isotopy classes of diffeomorphisms of $K$ is called the handlebody group. (It embeds as a subgroup of the ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Quotient of solid torus by swapping coordinates on boundary

Let $T$ be the solid 2-torus and let $\sim$ be the equivalence relation on $T$ generated by the relation $\{(\alpha,\beta) \sim (\beta,\alpha) \mid \alpha, \beta \in S^1\}$ on the boundary $\partial T=...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Heegaard splitting of covering hyperbolic manifold.

I am curious about how the Heegaard genus changes after a finite covering. Is there anyone constructing an closed hyperbolic 3-manifold $N$ such that the Heegaard genus of a finite covering of $N$ ...
yanqing 's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Judging whether a finitely presented group is a 3-manifold group?

Given a finitely presented group $G$, how many necessary conditions do people know for $G$ to be isomorphic to the fundamental group of some closed connected 3-manifold? (e.g. residually finite)
9 votes
1 answer

A strong form of Mostow rigidity without geometrization?

Mostow rigidity theorem says that two closed hyperbolic manifolds with isomorphic fundamental groups are isometric. Here is my question: suppose that $M$ and $N$ are two closed 3-manifolds such that $...
cellular's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Mapping Class Groups and torus (JSJ) decomposition of closed 3-manifolds

I am wondering if some intuitive relation exists between Mapping Class Group (MCG) of a 3-manifold (assume "simple" enough manifolds: closed,compact,irreducible, orientable, non-hyperbolic) and its ...
SKShukla's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Classification of closed 3-manifolds with finite first homology group?

I am interested in a topological classification of connected closed 3-manifold $M$ that have finite homology group $H_1(M)$. Since $H_1(M)$ is the abelization of the fundamental group $\pi_1(M)$, ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Non-compact three-manifolds with the same proper homotopy type are homeomorphic?

I am looking for some literature with some (counter) examples of the following fact (though I don't know if the fact is true or not): Let $M, M'$ be two non-compact connected $3$-manifolds with the ...
Random's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is there a simple formula to compute the Casson invariant of an homology $3$-sphere from its Heegaard diagram?

Let $(S_g,\boldsymbol{\alpha}_1,\boldsymbol{\alpha}_2)$ be a Heegaard diagram of a Heegaard splitting $\Sigma=H_g \cup_{\phi_1\phi_2^{-1}}H_g$ of an integral homology sphere $\Sigma$, i.e. $S_g$ is a ...
Filippo Bianchi's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Outer automorphism group of Brieskorn homology sphere?

In this post, it is discussed how a Brieskorn homology sphere $\Sigma(a_1,a_2,a_3)$ with $\displaystyle \frac{1}{a_1}+ \frac{1}{a_2}+ \frac{1}{a_3} < 1$ is an aspherical manifold with a ...
Jeffrey Rolland's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Heegaard splitting of maps between 3-manifolds

Let $M$ and $M'$ be closed oriented connected 3-manfolds and let $f : M \to M'$ be a continuous map. Do there exist Heegaard splittings $M = H_1 \cup H_2$ and $M' = H_1' \cup H_2'$ and a map $f'$ ...
user101010's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

open book decompositions of $\Sigma\times S^1$

Let $\Sigma$ be a closed orientable surface. Is there a standard open book decomposition on the $3$-manifold $M=\Sigma\times S^1$? If the binding is allowed to be empty in the definition of an open ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Implications of Geometrization conjecture for fundamental group

Hempel proved that Haken manifolds have residually finite fundamental groups. With the Geometrization conjecture, this now holds for any compact and orientable 3-manifold. How exactly does the ...
aceituna's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Given a link $L\subset S^3$ how to construct a link $L'$ whose complement have hyperbolic structure?

Thurston claimed that almost all closed 3-manifolds are hyperbolic. To support this, he said that every closed 3-manifold is obtained by Dehn surgery along some link whose complement is hyperbolic. ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
6 votes
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Dehn surgery on handlebody

Assume $V$ is a handlebody and $C$ be a simple closed curve contained in the interior of $V$. As Sam said, there exists some simple closed curve such that every dehn surgery along it produces a ...
yanqing 's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Dual surfaces of a first cohomology class of a 3-manifold

Let $M$ be closed 3-manifold and $\alpha\in H^1(M;\mathbb Z_2)$ an arbitrary element. (In my case we know that $M$ is non-orientable and $\alpha^3=0$.) It is well known that there is a closed 2-...
Andrey Ryabichev's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Find a surface or 3-manifold whose fundamental group is $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}) \rtimes (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})$

I know by Van Kampen's Theorem that we can obtain $\pi_1(S_1 \vee S_1) = \mathbb{Z} * \mathbb{Z}$, so I am wondering if we can construct a surface or 3-manifold whose fundamental group is $\mathbb{Z}...
john mangual's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Computation of $\pi_1$ for a Mazur manifold and its boundary

If we attach a $4$-dimensional $1$-handle $D^1 \times D^3$ to a $4$-dimensional $0$-handle $B^4$, we obtain $S^1 \times D^3$. The null homologous knot in $S^1 \times S^2$ indicated in the picture ...
Max Schumann's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is there "nonorientable Heegaard Floer homology"?

I have a Heegaard diagram which produces a non-orientable 3-manifold. I want to know any 3-manifold invariant which can be calculated from Heegaard diagrams for non-orientable 3-manifold. (As far as I ...
Jang's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

3-manifolds homotopy equivalent to a surface

I have heard that an open, orientable 3-manifold $X$ (non-compact, without-boundary) that is homotopy equivalent to an orientable surface $S_g$ must itself already be homemorphic to $S_g \times \...
H1ghfiv3's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Generalization of Moise's theorem

I am looking for a generalization of Moise's theorem, which the few professors that I asked treat as a "known geometric fact" but none could find a reference to an article proving it. The claim is ...
Ethan Fetaya's user avatar
5 votes
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Linking number and intersection number

Consider a disjoint union of two circles $A$ and $B$ smoothly embedded in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with linking number more than $1$. Suppose we know that there exists a disc $D$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$ such that $\...
user429294's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

unlinking when relaxing the homeomorphism condition

Say that we have two knots $K_1$ and $K_2$ in $S^3$ linked together in $S^3$ and forming the Hopf link. Usually, we can prove that we cannot unlink them by using a link invariant that shows that the &...
Steve's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Heegard diagrams for three-manifolds

I have a basic question about the Heegaard diagrams involved in providing a framework for calculation of Floer-Homology of three-manifolds. Typically such diagrams look like Figure 1 and Figure 2 here ...
user267839's user avatar
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2 answers

Seifert fiberings of zero euler number which are semi-bundles

Let M be a closed oriented manifold which has the structure of a "semi-bundle" (See Section 1.2. of Hatcher's notes on three-manifolds) over an interval I. Assume that M is Seifert fibered over a base ...
algebrachallenged's user avatar
5 votes
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On the fundamental group of closed 3-manifolds

I know that every finitely presented group can be realized as the fundamental group of a compact, connected, smooth manifold of dimension 4 (or higher). In dimension 2 there are strong restriction on ...
Dario's user avatar
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Functoriality of Thurston's norm

Let $M$ be a manifold of dimension $3$ and let $N$ be an embedded submanifold of $M$ (also of dimension $3$). Then, both second homologies $H_2(M)$ and $H_2(N,\delta N)$ are equipped with a norm (...
Philippe Tranchida's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is this Brieskorn manifold a rational homology sphere?

In Némethi's book "Normal surface singularities", Example 5.1.17, there is a formula to find the Seifert invariants of a Brieskorn complete intersection $\Sigma(a_1,...,a_n)$. I am ...
user13121312's user avatar
5 votes
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Casson invariant and signature

In W. Neumann, J. Wahl, "Casson invariant of links of singularities", Comment. Math. Helv.,1990, Vol. 65, Issue 1, pp 58-78 some connection between the Casson invariant and the signature is ...
nikitamarkarian's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Explicit tetrahedralizations of closed 3-manifolds and connections between convex polytopes and hyperbolic knot complements

There are three consistent ways to glue opposite faces of a dodecahedron to get a closed 3-manifold. With a $\frac{1}{10}$ twist we receive the Poincaré dodecahedral space, with a $\frac{3}{10}$ twist ...
Samuel Reid's user avatar
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3 answers

Can one calculate possible mapping degrees from a connected-sum to another manifold?

Let $D(M,N)$ be the set of all possible degrees of maps from $M$ to $N$, $M_1\#M_2$ the connected sum of $M_1$ and $M_2$. Can $D(M_1\#M_2,N)$ be calculated in terms of $D(M_1,N)$ and $D(M_2,N)$? ...
Invy S.'s user avatar
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0 answers

Every closed surface divides a closed 3-manifold $X$ into two parts if and only if $H_1(X)$ is finite

My friend is looking for proof of the following statement Every closed surface divides a closed 3-manifold $X$ into two parts if and only if $H_1(X; \mathbb{Z})$ is finite. Rumor source: Justin ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
4 votes
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Contractibility and orientation double cover

Question. Let $M$ be a triangulated non-orientable 3-manifold with non-orientable boundary. (It is possible to assume that the boundary is the Klein bottle.) Let $\ell$ be a non-orientable loop on the ...
Martin Tancer's user avatar
4 votes
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Action of the mapping class group on separating spheres in a connected sum of aspherical 3-manifolds

Let $M$ be a connected sum of $g$ closed aspherical 3-manifolds $M_1, \ldots, M_g$. [Update: I also assume that all the $M_i$-s are diffeomorphic, i.e. $M$ is a connected sum of copies of the same ...
Ilya Grigoriev's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Reducible 3d torus bundles

Here reducible means that the mapping class for the fiber is a reducible auto-homeomorph in the sense of Nielsen-Thruston. So, could anyone give me a hint to classify them? In contrast, do you agree ...
janmarqz's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Branched coverings over orbifolds with reflector lines

It is well known that if $F\to B$ is a $n$-finite branched covering over an orbifold with cone-points then the orbifold Euler's characteristics are related via $\chi(F)=n(\chi(B)-\sum_i^r\frac{a_i-1}{...
janmarqz's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Example of a non $\pi_1$-injective, degree one, self-map of a three-manifold

All manifolds will be assumed to be closed, oriented, and connected. Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a map of degree $\pm 1$. It is not hard to show that $\pi_1(f)$ is surjective. What is an example of a non ...
Random's user avatar
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Approximative extension of the autohomeomorphism of the complement of the trivial knot?

Let $S^1\subset \mathbb{R}^3$ be the unit circle and suppose $h\colon \mathbb{R}^3\setminus S^1\to \mathbb{R}^3\setminus S^1$ is a homeomorphism. Clearly it might be that $h$ cannot be extended to $S^...
Vadim's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Two solid N_3 glued by its boundary

Let $N_3$ be the genus three non orientable surface. Do we have an analogous 3d manifold as the solid torus and the solid Klein bottle for $N_3$? I don't see how to extend the ideas related to the 3d ...
janmarqz's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

what is the meaning of a curve $C$ representing Identity in fundamental group?

Suppose $M$ is a closed 3-manifold, $C\subset M$ is a simple closed curve which represent identity in $\pi_{1}(M)$. Then $C$ bounds an immersed disk in $M$. My question is: When does it bound an ...
yanqing 's user avatar
2 votes
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Do homeomorphisms of boundary components of 3-manifolds extend to the manifold?

The question that I'd like to answer can be generalized to the following: if $M$ is an orientable 3-manifold and $F$ is a boundary component of $M$ (which may have other boundary components), can an ...
Peter Samuelson's user avatar
2 votes
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isotopy classes of embeddings of the torus

Let's consider $S^1$-bundle $E$ over a 2-manifold $M$. How many isotopy classes of embeddings of the torus $\mathbb{T}^2$ in $E$? For each free homotopy classes $\gamma$ of mappings of the circle ...
Gleb's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is the following 3-manifold irreducible?

We start with product manifold $ X := S_g \times (0,1)$, where $S_g$ is a closed, orientable surface of genus $g \geq 1$. Since this has $\mathbb R^3$ as its universal cover, $X$ is irreducible. Now $...
H1ghfiv3's user avatar
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3-manifold theorem reference request or proof

The following is a theorem of which I have great interest in but cannot find anything about on the internet, Every 3-manifold of finite volume comes from identifying sides of some polyhedron I'm ...
Samuel Reid's user avatar
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Reference request and prerequisites for understanding the Sphere Theorem and the Loop Theorem in 3-manifold theory

As part of my directed studies project, my advisor has suggested that I completely understand the proof of the Sphere Theorem and the Loop Theorem in 3-manifold theory and explain it to him. I have ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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Open cone homeomorphic to the Euclidean space

Let $X$ be a topological space and the open cone $C(X)$ over $X$ is defined to be $X \times [0,1)$ with $X \times \{0\}$ identified. Suppose $C(X)$ is homeomorphic to $\mathbb R^4$, can we prove that $...
Totoro's user avatar
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