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Questions tagged [2-knots]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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7 votes
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Does the non-cancelation theorem hold for 2-knots?

In Rolfsen's knots and links, he shows that, as a consequence of the unknotting theorem, that if you connect sum two knots and get the unknot, they both had to be unknotted. Does the same statement ...
Daniel H. Hartman's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the historical connection between Zeeman's twist spinning and Fox's Examples?

Both Ralph Fox and (at that time, yet to be knighted) Sir Christopher Zeeman attended the 1961 Georgia topology conference. Fox's paper from that conference was his seminal work, "A Quick Trip through ...
Scott Carter's user avatar
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Is there a notion of tunnel number for 2-knots?

Given an embedded circle $K$ in $S^3$, the tunnel number of $K$ is the minimum number of embedded arcs one needs to add to $K$ so that the complement of $K$ and the arcs is a handlebody. For an ...
Román Aranda's user avatar
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Ribbon knot presentations

Suppose $K$ is a $n$-knot, $n\geq 2$, which bounds two different ribbon disks $D_1, D_2$. These ribbon disks induce unique ribbon $(n+1)$-knots $K_1, K_2$ respectively. Is it known whether $K_1$ and $...
Blake's user avatar
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Jones polynomial of 2-knots

Question: is it possible to define the Jones polynomial for knotted surfaces (or $S^2$ for simplicity) in $R^4$? Jones polynomial has several definitions (see How many definitions are there of the ...
Zhiyun Cheng's user avatar