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A set of divergent integrals that I think, equal to $-\gamma$

So, we take $\frac{\text{sgn}(x-1)}{x}$ and apply $\mathcal{L}_t[t f(t)](x)$ four times. The transform is known to keep area under the curve. These integrals, I think, are equal to minus Euler-...
Anixx's user avatar
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What are the consequences if we could express tangent via logarithm in an algebraic system? [closed]

Working on an algebra of divergent integrals I came to the following relation: If $\tau=\int_0^\infty dx$ then $$\ln (\tau+a)=\int_{0}^\infty \psi'(x+1/2+a)dx$$ and this directly gives the following ...
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What intuitive meaning "determinant" of a divergency (divergent integral or series) can have? [closed]

I am working on the algebra of "divergencies", that is, infinite integrals, series and germs. So, I decided to construct something similar to determinant of a matrix of these entities. $$\...
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Extending reals with logarithm of zero: properties and reference request

If we take logarithmic function, we can see that its real part at zero approaches negative infinity with the same rate and sign from any direction on the complex plane, while the Cauchy main value of ...
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List of assigned values of divergent series

I'm hoping to find a list of divergent sums where the assigned value is generally accepted. For instance $\sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^n$ is generally accepted to be $\frac{1}{2}$. Moreover, its agreed upon ...
Caleb Briggs's user avatar
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A suggestion for a superlimit

I have a question about summation methods. A value is assigned to a divergent sum. All methods agree that $\texttt{super-}\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} k^p = -\frac{B_{p+1}^{+}}{p+1}$ where $B_{p}$ are ...
Menno van der Ploeg's user avatar
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Are the shapes of the $\mathbb{R}^2$ plane and a disk of infinite radius different? Or otherwise, why their areas differ by $\frac\pi{12}$? [closed]

The calculation of the area of the $\mathbb{R}^2$ plane depends on filtering used. I think, the most natural filtering is along the radius in polar coordinates: $$S_{\mathbb{R}^2}=\int_0^\infty 2\pi ...
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Integral transformation, Laplace-like

Is the following integral transformation of $f$ known (for suitable $f$ and $s\in\mathbb{C}$)? $$ \int_1^\infty f(t) \frac{e^{-ts}}{1-e^{-ts}}dt $$ It resembles somewhat the Laplace transformation. ...
borntomath's user avatar
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What intuitive meaning "determinant" of a divergency (divergent integral, series, germ, pole or a singularity) can have?

I am working on the algebra of "divergencies", that is, infinite integrals, series, and germs. So, I decided to construct something similar to the modulus or determinant of a matrix of these ...
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