in continuation of my previous post: Question Regarding Riemann-Hurwitz Formula Proof
I need another help in understanding how to compute Cohomology of Sheaves (and right derived functors): Given a compact Riemann Surface $X$ , and the sheaf $O_X(U):= \{f:U \to \mathbb{C} |f -holomorphic \} $ , I want to compute the cohomology groups $H^n (X, O_X) = R^n \Gamma (O_X) $ where $\Gamma$ is the global section functor: $ \Gamma(O_X) = O_X(X) $ .
As far as I know, this computation should give: $H^0 (X,O_X) = \mathbb{C} $ , $H^1(X,O_X) = \mathbb{C} ^ {2g} $ , $H^2(X,O_X) = \mathbb{C} $ and the other cohomology groups vanish.
I can't figure out how to get these results, and I can't find an appropriate example for such a calculation.
Can someone help me understand how to compute such a thing?
Here is what I did for the n=0 case: So we obviously know that given a functor $F$ , we have $ R^0 F(X) = F(X)$ which implies: $H^0 (X,O_X) = \Gamma(O_X) = \{f:X\to \mathbb{C} | f-analytic \}$ Why is is excatly $\mathbb{C}$ ? In order to continue the calculation for bigger n's, I need to know what is my exact sequence and what are the maps betweenthe elements of this sequence. I hope someone will be able to help me figure it out
Thanks a lot again !