Let $S=\mathbb{C}[x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n]$ be a polynomial ring. Let $e_a$ denotes the elementary symmetric polynomials of degree $a$ in $S$.
For $n=2$:
For $n=3$:
In general for any $n$ and $a$, one has $$ e_a(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n):=\sum_{1 \leq i_{1} < i_{2} < \cdots < i_a \leq n} x_{i_1}x_{i_2}\cdots x_{i_a} $$
Question: Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$ with $n \geq 3$. Is it true that $e_a$ is an irreducible element in $\mathbb{C}[x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n]$ for $a=2,3,\dots,{n-1}$.
For $n=1$, $e_1$ is an irreducible element. For $n=2$, $e_1$ is an irreducible element. For $n=3$, $e_1$ and $e_2$ are irreducible element.
Fact: $e_1$ is be definition, an irreducible element. And, $e_n$ is trivially reducible. My Question is therefore, to know, whether $e_2,e_3,\dots,e_{n-1}$ are irreducible elements in $\mathbb{C}[x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n]$ for $n \geq 4$.
Similar results: Power sum symmetric polynomials and complete homogeneous symmetric polynomials are irreducible elements in $\mathbb{C}[x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n]$ for $n \geq 3$. For complete symmetric polynomial, see Is complete homogeneous symmetric polynomials, an irreducibile element in Polynomial ring?.
Therefore it is natural to ask for the elementary symmetric polynomials.