
Hi fellows,

Does anyone know the number of holes of a level 2 Menger Sponge ?

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ While I love having questions about fractals on the site, I don't think this one is quite at the research level that is generally expected here. Best of luck. $\endgroup$ Commented May 21, 2012 at 14:57

3 Answers 3


For $n=1$, $g=5$: you drill a vertical hole through the middle and four horizontal holes to meet that vertical hole.

For higher values of $n$, the right way to think of it is in terms of Euler characteristic.

For $n=2$ you start with $20$ copies of a small level $1$ Menger sponge, with Euler characteristic $-8$. You then glue them together a bunch of times on an annulus. The annulus has Euler characteristic $0$, so the final Euler characteristic is $-160$, giving a genus of $81$.

The side of a level $n$ Menger sponge has Euler characteristic $(8-8^n)/7$. In general you glue along $24$ of these, so the recurrence relation for the Euler characteristic is $\chi_{n+1}=20\chi_n + 24 (8^n-8)/7$.

This recurrence relation can produce an explicit formula, but it seems rather awful.


What does "hole" mean? All the empty spaces are connected to each other, so probably you should say there is one hole.


  • $\begingroup$ by "holes", I meant topological genus. $\endgroup$
    – user23855
    Commented May 21, 2012 at 15:26

I think that the answer is supposed to be 2^n, where n is the level of the sponge. Not quite so sure though, as I was told so in class very long ago, and I misplaced the paper...


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