If $w(t,x)$ is a solution of wave equation $$ w_{tt}-\triangle w = 0, w(0)=w_0, w_t(0)=w_1, $$ then $w$ satisfies the following Strichartz esitmates $$ \|w\|_{L^q_tL^r_x} \lesssim \|w_0\|_{H^1} + \|w_1\|_{L^2} $$ where $L^q_tL^r_x = L^q_t(0,\infty;L^r_x)$, $(q,r)$ is a wave admissable pair, and satifies $$ \frac{1}{q} + \frac{n}{r} = \frac{n}{2} - 1. $$
Now, let us consider the damped wave equation $$ w_{tt} + w_t -\triangle w = 0, w(0)=w_0, w_t(0)=w_1. $$ It's easy to check that the above Strichartz estimates hold. My question is that, whether these estimates hold for some other pair $(q,r)$ not concluded above. In other words, whether the strichartz estimates of solution for damped wave equation hold for larger range of $(q,r)$?