It is well known that in a given $\delta$-hyperbolic group there are only finitely many conjugacy classes of finite subgroups. This is clearly false for relatively hyperbolic groups since we have no control over the parabolic subgroups. Fix a relatively hyperbolic group $\Gamma$ with parabolic subgroups $P_i$. Are there only finitely many conjugacy classes of finite subgroups $F<\Gamma$ with the property that $F$ is contained in a two-ended subgroup $H<\Gamma$ which is not conjugate into any $P_i$? Perhaps weaker: are there only finitely many isomorphism types of two-ended subgroups which are not conjugate into any parabolic? Weaker still: Is there an upper bound to the orders of elements in such subgroups $F$?
(Motivation: I am trying to find a law obeyed by non-parabolic two-ended subgroups of relatively hyperbolic groups, or at least a partition of them into finitely many families, each of which obeys a law.)