I am not sure that projecting a legendrian submanifold in $Q$ to $M$ you get again a submanifold, many singularities can occur. For example if you take one of the simplest inhomogeneous Legendrian submanifolds considered by Buczynski in "HYPERPLANE SECTIONS OF LEGENDRIAN SUBVARIETIES", (if I remember correctly) or in Landsberg Manivel "Legendrian varieties", it seems to me that the projection is not smooth.
Several examples of Totally complex submanifolds can be found in:
M. Takeuchi: Totally complex submanifolds of quaternionic symmetric spaces, Japan. J.
Math., (N.S.) 12 (1986) 161–189.
K. Tsukada: Parallel submanifolds in a Quaternion projective space, Osaka J. Math 22
(1985), 187–241.
K. Tsukada: Einstein-K ̈ahler submanifolds in a quaternion projective space, Bull. London
Math. Soc. 36 (2004), 527–536.
Bedulli-Gori-podestà "Maximal totally complex submanifolds of $\mathbb{H}\mathbb{P}^n$: homogeneity and normal holonomy" Bullettin of LMS 41 (2009) 10029--1040\