Denote by $$u:CxMfd \to Mfd$$ the forgetful functor from complex manifolds to smooth manifolds. Let $$u_!:St\left(CxMfd\right) \to St\left(Mfd\right)$$ denote its 2-categorical prolongation. Explicitly, this is given by the bicategorical Kan extension of $y_{Mfd} \circ u$ along the Yoneda embedding $$y_{CxMfd}:CxMfd \to St\left(CxMfd\right),$$ where $y_{Mfd}$ is similarly defined. $u_!$ is the unique weak colimit preserving functor which agrees with $y_{Mfd} \circ u$ on representables.
I claim that $u_!$ sends holomorphic stacks (stacks coming from groupoid objects in complex manifolds) to differentiable stacks.
Indeed, let $\mathcal{X}$ be a holomorphic stack coming from a groupoid object $X_1 \rightrightarrows X_0.$ Then, $\mathcal{X}$ is the weak colimit of the truncated semi-simplicial diagram $$X_2\mspace{5mu} \{(3\mspace{5mu} parallel \mspace{5mu} arrows)\}\mspace{5mu} X_1 \rightrightarrows X_0,$$ viewing each $X_i$ as a representable presheaf on $CxMfd$. Applying $u_!$ to this diagram, yields that $u_!\left(\mathcal{X}\right)$ is the weak colimit of the same diagram, now viewing each $X_i$ as a representable presheaf in $Mfd$. This in turn implies that $u_!\left(\mathcal{X}\right)$ is the stackification of the weak presheaf of groupoids arising canonically from $X$ viewed as a Lie groupoid. In particular, this implies that $u_!$, when restricted to holomorphic stacks agrees with the answer of David Roberts, only, it makes no explicit reference to atlases.
pullback' objects and morphisms to your original stack from the extra objects and morphisms in the category of manifolds, then somehow take the stack
generated' by what you get. $\endgroup$