let $X$ denote a smooth complex algebraic variety. Let $D_{rh}(X)$ denote the category of regular holonomic $D$-modules on $X$ and $D_{rh}^b(D(X))$ denote the bounded derived category of $D$-modules on $X$ with regular holonomic homology. Let $X^{an}$ denote the associated complex manifold and let $Mod_c(X^{an})$ denote the category of (algebraically) constructible sheaves on $X^{an}$. Also let $D^b_c(X^{an}, \mathbb{C})$ denote the bounded derived category of complex sheaves on $X$ with constructible homology. There is a (left exact, contravariant) solution functor:
$$Sol: D_{rh}(X) \rightarrow Mod_c(X^{an})$$ given by $Sol(M):= Hom_{D(X^{an})}(M^{an}, \mathcal{O}_{X^{an}}).$ The Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence asserts that this induces an anti-equivalence of categories:
$$RSol: D_{rh}^b(D(X)) \cong D^b_c(X^{an}, \mathbb{C}).$$
Now because the categories of $D$-modules on $X$ and complex sheaves on $X^{an}$ have enough injectives we can think about these derived categories as the homotopy categories of the DG-categories of complexes whose objects are injective with bounded homology. Thus $D_{rh}^b(D(X))$ is the homotopy category of the DG-category $K_{rh}^b(D(X))$, whose objects are injective chain complexes with bounded, regular holonomic homology. Similarly $D^b_c(X^{an}, \mathbb{C})$ is the homotopy category of the DG-category $K^b(X^{an},\mathbb{C})$, whose objects are injective chain complexes with bounded, constructible homology. The solution function naturally gives a functor:
$$Sol_{DG}: K_{rh}^b(D(X)) \rightarrow K^b(X^{an},\mathbb{C}).$$
Passing to the homotopy categories gives the Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence. My question is the following: Can the Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence be lifted to the DG setting? In other words, is $Sol_{DG}$ an equivalence of DG-categories?