A graph is $d$-degenerate if every subgraph has minimum degree at most $d$.
Claim: Every $d$-degenerate graph with $n\geq d+1$ vertices has at most $\binom{d}{2}(n-\frac{2}{3}(d+1))$ triangles.
Proof (by induction on $n$). For the base case with $n=d+1$, the number of triangles is at most $\binom{n}{3}=\binom{d}{2}(n-\frac{2}{3}(d+1))$. Let $G$ be a $d$-degenerate graph with $n\geq d+2$ vertices. There is a vertex $v$ of degree at most $d$ in $G$. The number of triangles containing $v$ is at most $\binom{d}{2}$. The number of triangles not containing $v$ (that is, in $G-v$) is at most $\binom{d}{2}(n-1-\frac{2}{3}(d+1))$ by induction (since $G-v$ is also $d$-degenerate). In total, $G$ has at most $\binom{d}{2}(n-\frac{2}{3}(d+1))$ triangles.
This upper bound is tight for every $d$-tree.