I am curious about how much descriptive set theory is involved in inner model theory.
For instance Shoenfield's absoluteness result is based on the construction of the Shoenfield tree which projection is $\aleph_1$-Suslin. Also the Schoenfield tree is homogeneous, meaning the direct limit $M_x$ of the ultrapowers by the measures $\mu_{x\upharpoonright n}$ is wellfounded. The measures $\mu_{x\upharpoonright n}$ are defined on the sections of the tree. We also have that $L(\mathbb{R}) \vDash AD$ is equiconsistent with $ZFC+$ there are infinitely many Woodin cardinals. Descriptive set theory talks a lot about homogeneously Suslin sets and homogeneous trees (they pave the way for determinacy results) but these concepts seem themselves to be very important for inner model theory (just a simple fact: a set $X$ is homogeneously Suslin iff $X$ is continuously reducible to the wellfoundedness of towers of measures). The Martin Solovay tree is what gives $\Sigma^1_3$ absoluteness between $V$ and a generic extension $V[G]$ assuming measurability. Also, the Kechris-Martin Theorem has a purely descriptive theoretic proof and a purely inner model theoretic proof. A theorem of Woodin states that $(\Sigma^2_1)^{Hom_{\infty}}$ sentences are absolute for set forcing if there are arbitrarily large Woodin cardinals.
My question is why are there so many links between descriptive set theory and inner model theory? I would love to hear from an expert about the intuition as to what is really going on. The relationship between both field does not seems "ad hoc", it appears as though there is very deep beautiful and natural structure. I apologize in advance for any vagueness in my question. Thx.