I wish to calculate (or upper bound) expectations of the form $E[\langle x,y \rangle^2]$, where $x$ and $y$ are i.i.d standard gaussian vectors of length n. Are there any exponential type upper bounds for the same?
I wish to calculate (or upper bound) expectations of the form $E[\langle x,y \rangle^2]$, where $x$ and $y$ are i.i.d standard gaussian vectors of length n. Are there any exponential type upper bounds for the same?
I must be misunderstanding the question, but $<x, y>^2$ is a sum of the terms of the form $x_i x_j y_i y_j.$ The expectation of this term vanishes, unless $i=j,$ in which case it (the . expectation) is the square of the expectation of the square of the standard Gaussian. The square of the standard gaussian is the chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom, whose mean is $1,$ so the whole thing should be $n$.