I have the following Nim-like game (at least, it seems Nim-like to me).
There are $2k$ tokens in a row, $k \in \mathbb{N}$.
Each token $a_i$ has a value $ v_i \in \mathbb{N}$
All this information is revealed to both players in advance.
In each turn, the acting player needs to take one token from on of the edges only! - i.e: take $a_i$ such that: $i$ is either the lowest remaining available index or the highest.
What would be a winning strategy for the first player? (computable in "reasonable")
Example game:
Tokens: $a_1=7;a_2=3;a_3=1000;a_4=10;a_5=7;a_6=1000 $
(Here $k=3$)
Turn 1 - Player 1 take $a_6$.
Turn 2 - Player 2 takes $a_1$
Turn 1 - Player 1 take $a_5$.
Turn 2 - Player 2 takes $a_4$
Turn 1 - Player 1 take $a_3$.
Turn 2 - Player 2 takes $a_2$
Player 1 wins with 2007 points. Player 2 loses with 20 points.