The following is from this talk:, Slide 14.
The Springer correspondence gives bijections
SO2n+1 \ N(so2n+1) ↔ {(μ; ν) | μi ≥ νi − 2, νi ≥ μi+1},
Sp2n \ N(sp2n) ↔ {(μ; ν) | μi ≥ νi − 1, νi ≥ μi+1 − 1},
obtained from the previous parametrizations by taking 2-quotients.
What I don't understand, is given a partition of say, $2n$, that is symplectic (odd parts occur with even multiplicity), how to construct a bijection to the set above; and same with orthogonal partitions (even parts occur with even multiplicity).