This question aims to pin down what Riemann-Roch can tell us about a divisor on a curve, without any "geometric thinking". It can be annoying to wonder if there is some clever trick you're missing out on in a problem, and it would be nice to know the limits of Riemann-Roch formalism the way we know we can't solve a system of 2 linear equations in 3 variables.
If someone prefers a different formalization of this question, I'd be happy to get an answer to that one instead. Here is mine:
S1) Div
is a free abelian group generated by an infinite set of letters P
. [like points]
S2) D
∈ Div
is "effective" if all its coefficients are non-negative.
S3) deg: Div -> Z
is the sum of coefficients map.
S4) Prin
is a distinguished subgroup of ker(deg). [like principal divisors]
S5) l: Div/Prin -> N
is a function to the non-negative integers. [like the dimension of global sections]
S6) K is an element of Div
. [like a cannonical divisor]
Relations (g:=l(K)
R1) l(D)-l(K-D) = deg(D) + 1 - g
. [Riemann Roch]
R2) l(D+P) = l(D)
or l(D)+1
for any generator P.
R3) l(D)>0
iff D
is equivalent mod Prin
to an effective divisor.
R4) If l(D)>0
and deg(D)=0
then D
∈ Prin
Question A (hopefully manageable): What exactly can be inferred here about one of
, given the other?
Maybe someone already knows the answer to this, from experience with solving RR-related problems, or from literature.
Awesomely, many other concepts can be reformulated in this context, and we can ask more...
Optional definitions:
O1) D
is "free" if l(D-P) = l(D)-1
for any generator P
O2) D
is "very ample" if l(D-P-Q) = l(D)-2
for any generators P,Q
(not nececesarily distinct)
O3) D
is "ample" if nD
is very ample for some n>0
O4) D
is "big" if for some c>0
and all large n
, l(nD) ≥ cm^n
Question B (partial answers welcome): What exactly can be inferred here about
, effectiveness, freeness, (very) ampleness, and bigness ofD
given information about the others?
Some examples (see Hartshorne chapter IV):
deg(K) = 2g-2
- If
is very ample thendeg(D)>0
- If
deg(D) ≥ 2g
is free - If
deg(D) ≥ 2g+1
is very ample D
is ample iffdeg(D)>0
So, yeah! What's the deal with Riemann-Roch?