If $A, B$ are positive $n \times n$ complex matrices, $n$ some integer, then obviously \begin{equation*} \|ABA\|_\text{tr} = tr(ABA) = tr(A^2 B). \end{equation*}
But can we say there is a constant $C_n > 0$ depending only on $n$ where $\|ABA\|_\text{tr} \geq C_n \| A^2 B\|_\text{tr}$?
Note that it's easy to get the reverse:
$\|ABA\|_\text{tr} \leq \|A^2B\| _\text{tr} $
so it's the above inequality I really need.
More generally though, I'm guessing $\|AB\|_\text{tr}$
and $\|BA\|_\text{tr}$ are not equivalent (modulo a constant depending only on $n$)