Suppose Magma has computed homomorphism $h$ between function fields $F1 \to F2$. Then we have an induced homomorphism $h$ on the divisor group. Now my question is that if there's a better way to compute this homomorphism for $D2 := h(D1)$ than this way which is basically computing the image of the two generators of each place and is very slow.
Ps, Ds := Support(D1);
D2 := Divisor(F2!1);
for i := 1 to #Ps do
g1,g2 := TwoGenerators(Ps[i]);
G1 := h(g1);
G2 := h(g2);
D2 := D2 + Ds[i]*ZeroDivisor(GCD(Divisor(G1), Divisor(G2)) );
end for;
Thank you very much indeed!