Let us consider, for example, the standard irreducible $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-module
$\Gamma_{1,1}$ with the highest weight $(1,1),$ $\dim \Gamma_{1,1}=8.$
The set of all weight of $\dim \Gamma_{1,1}$ is $(0,0),(1,1),(2,-1),(1,-2),(-2,1),(-1,2),(-1,-1).$
Question. What is the Gelfand-Tsetlin basis for $\Gamma_{1,1}$?
As I understood from literature (Zhelobenko ) there is a combinatorial structure $\Lambda$ depended of $(1,1)$ such that a basis of $\dim \Gamma_{1,1}$ can be labeled via the $\Lambda$ but I cant do it. Anybody can help?