Let's assume your vertices are labeled from 1 to $n$ and your adjacency list has the form $(u_1,v_1), (u_2,v_2),..., (u_E,v_E)$, where $1 \le u_i < v_i \le n$ for $1 \le i \le E$. Note that $E$, the number of edges, is $O(n^2)$.
Start with a preprocessing step that converts the adjacency list to a list of neighbor sets $N_i$, one for each $i$ between 1 and $n$: For each $k$ from 1 to $E$, put $u_k$ in set $N_{v_k}$ and $v_k$ in set $N_{u_k}$. (Sorry, those sub-subscripts don't look right.) This takes $O(n^2)$ steps.
Now go through the list of pairs $i,j$ with $1 \le i < j \le n$. For each pair, find the intersection $N_i \cap N_j$, and count its size. If you find a pair $i,j$ for which $|N_i \cap N_j| > 1$, you've found your 4-cycle: vertices $i$ and $j$ are each joined to two other vertices. (Neither $i$ nor $j$ is in $N_i \cap N_j$, since $k \notin N_k$ for any $k$.) The computation for each pair can be done in $O(n)$ steps, and there are $O(n^2)$ pairs, so the total computation takes $O(n^3)$ steps.
(Let me elaborate on why the computation of $|N_i \cap N_j|$ is $O(n)$. At worst, you can convert each neighborhood set into a 0--1 vector of dimension $n$ and then take the dot product of the two vectors.)
It might be of interest to ask a follow-up: Given an adjacency list of $E$ edges for a graph on $n$ vertices, can you detect the presence of a 4-cycle in $O(nE)$ steps?