I am interested in studying the Thue equation, where we are concerned with a binary form $F(x,y) = a_0 x^r + a_1 x^{r-1}y + \cdots + a_r y^r$ and solutions of the form $$F(x,y) = h$$ for some integer $h$. In particular, I am interested in works that investigate giving bounds on the number of solutions to the equation (necessarily finite by the Thue-Siegel-Roth Theorem), and on the size of the solutions. In particular I am interested in effective methods. Some papers in this field include:
C.L. Stewart, "On the number of solutions of polynomial congruences and Thue equations", Journal of the American Math. Soc., 4 (1991), 793-835.
E. Bombieri and W.M. Schmidt, "On Thue's Equation", Invent. Math, 88., (1987), 69-81.
I would like to request some additional papers on this subject, and if it exists, a good book on the subject matter.