The congruence subgroup $\Gamma_{0}(n) \subset PSL_{2}(\mathbb{Z})$ is normalized by the Fricke involution $F_n: z \mapsto -1/nz$ and so we may form the Fricke modular group $\Gamma_{0}^{+}(n)\langle \Gamma_{0}(n), F_n \rangle \subset PSL_{2}(\mathbb{R})$. (Sometimes people focus on the case $p=n$, since then I think that $\Gamma_{0}^{+}(p)$ is the full normalizer of $\Gamma_{0}(p) \subset PSL_{2}(\mathbb{R})$.)
Is it known that and how $\Gamma_{0}^{+}(n)$ splits as a free product of cyclic groups? (This is known for $\Gamma_{0}(n)$ and I can check it by hand for $n=2$.)
Are convenient fundamental domains for $\Gamma_{0}^{+}(n)$ acting on the upper half-plane $\mathbb{H}$ known?
Are the orbifold points of $\mathbb{H}/\Gamma_{0}^{+}(n)$ completely understood?
For questions of the form `Is it known or understood... ?', I'm looking for answers of the form 'Yes, this is well-known and works as follows... or is written down here...' or 'Yes, it is well-known, but scattered over the literature...' or 'No, this is not obvious.' Also, any good reference is welcome, since I've only found bits and pieces addressing these questions.