Use Artin's inequality: if $K$ is a cubic field with one real embedding and $v > 1$ is a unit in $O_K$ then $|\text{disc}(K)| < 4v^3 + 24$. (I use inequalities on elements of $K$ via the one real embedding of $K$.) The proof of Artin's inequality is a pain. As a corollary, if $u > 1$ is a unit in $O_K$ and $4u^{3/2} + 24 < |\text{disc}(K)|$ then $u$ must be the fundamental unit of $O_K$. (Proof: Let $\varepsilon > 1$ be a fundamental unit, so $u = \varepsilon^n$ for some $n \geq 1$. If $n \geq 2$ then Artin's inequality with $v = \varepsilon$ implies $|\text{disc}(K)| < 4\varepsilon^3 + 24 = 4u^{3/n} + 24 \leq 4u^{3/2} + 24$, which contradicts the hypothesis of the corollary and also explains where the hypothesis comes from.)
Example: $K = {\mathbf Q}(\sqrt[3]{2})$, so $|\text{disc}(K)| = 108$. A unit in $O_K$ is $\sqrt[3]{2}-1$, which is between 0 and 1. Its reciprocal is $u := 1 + \sqrt[3]{2} + \sqrt[3]{4}$. Numerically, $4u^{3/2} + 24$ is around 54.1, which is less than 108, so $u$ is a fundamental unit of $O_K$.
Example: $K = {\mathbf Q}(\alpha)$ where $\alpha^3 +\alpha - 1 = 0$. Then $|\text{disc}(K)| = 31$.
The unique real root of $X^3 + X - 1$ is around .68, so less than 1. Its reciprocal
will be a unit greater than 1. If we identify the real root of $X^3 + X - 1$ with $\alpha$ then $u := 1/\alpha = \alpha^2 + 1$ is a unit greater than 1 in $O_K$. From a computer,
$4u^{3/2} + 24$ is around 31.096, which is greater than $|\text{disc}(K)| = 31$, so it looks like we can't use Artin's inequality to deduce that $u$ is the fundamental unit. However, you could modify the corollary to show $u$ is no worse than the square of a fundamental unit and then check $u$ is not a square in $O_K$ by showing it isn't a square mod $\mathfrak p$ for some prime $\mathfrak p$ in $O_K$. That would prove $u$ is a fundamental unit of $O_K$.