"Call a Turing machine $A$ a d-machine if, for some polynomial $p(\cdot)$, when $A$ starts with any input string, say of length $n$, in its alphabet on its (otherwise blank) tape, it will halt in a number of steps bounded by $p(n)$ with its tape either blank or bearing just a string of length $n$. Then each d-machine $A$ corresponds to a d-machine $B$ which, when started with any input string in its alphabet, will halt with a blank tape, if $A$ halts with a blank tape for every input the length of $B$'s input, and otherwise will halt with an output tape that, input to $A$, will lead to $A$ halting with a non-blank tape."
Interpretation: Input for $A$ codes candidate "solutions" while blank/non-blank output indicates just refutation/verification. For $B$, input marks only length while output codes an $A$-verifiable solution.