Let $\ell$ be a positive integer greater than 1. The problem is to find a set of $n$ real positive numbers $x_i$ and $n+1$ numbers $y_i$ such that $$\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^k= \sum_{i=1}^{n+1} y_i^k$$ for $k=\ell,\cdots,2\ell-1$. These $2n+1$ numbers need to be upper/lower bounded by a constant independent of $\ell$ [thus $x_i,y_i=\Theta(1)$] and also I suspect that it is possible to do so with just $n=\ell$ or $n=O(\ell)$. [$\ell$ equations with $2\ell$ unknowns, why not!] An existential proof suffices but a constructive proof or a recipe would be really nice.
For me it is useful to find a bounded from below solution that scales in polynomially in the following sense: There exist positive $c$, and $s$ such that $c\le x_i,y_i$ and $$\sum_i x_i+\sum_i y_i=O(\ell^s)$$.
The problem is related to a follow up on this paper of mine: arxiv:0908.1526 .