In writing up a paper, we need references (and help) for the following facts which are probably well-known. They concern morphisms of complex algebraic varieties as continious maps in complex topology. (Here by 'complex topology' I mean the topology induced by the metric on $\Bbb C$).
(i) Is every algebraic morphism of complex algebraic varieties necessarily a fibration in the (non-noetherian) complex topology on a Zariski-open Zariski-dense subset ? That is, does there exists a Zariski open subset $Y^0$ of $Y$ such that $f_{\Bbb C}: f_{\Bbb C}^{-1}(Y^0(\Bbb C)) \longrightarrow Y^0(\Bbb C)$ is a fibration in the (non-noetherian) complex topology ?
(ii) If $f:W\rightarrow Y$ is a dominant rational map of irreducible complex varieties, with Y normal, then the index of the image of $\pi_1(W) \rightarrow \pi_1(Y)$ divides the number of irreducible components of a generic fibre.
Does something like this holds in prime characteristic ? (In char 0 this appears in [Janos Kollar, "Shaferevich maps and automorphic forms", Lemma 2.10.2]; is there a more standard reference as I find it hard to follow the proof there, not being an algebraic geometer.)
(iii) Stein factorisation. Every proper morphism $f:X\rightarrow Y$ of algebraic varieties decomposes as $X\rightarrow^{f_1} X' \rightarrow^{f_2} Y$ such that $f_1$ has connected fibres and is a fibration in complex topology over a Zariski open dense subset, and $f_2$ is finite and etale on an Zariski open dense subset ?
The last question only makes sense if (i) is not always true; without the bit about complex topology Stein factorisation appears in EGA. These questions came up when trying to define a noetherian "Zariski-type" topology on the universal covering space of a complex algebraic variety that is weaker than the complex analytic topology, sort of a model of etale topology...