There seem to be a bunch of different results of the form "This nice representation $V$ of $G\times H$ breaks up as $\bigoplus_\lambda V_\lambda \otimes W_\lambda$, where the $(V_\lambda)$ are distinct irreps of $G$ and the $(W_\lambda)$ are distinct irreps of $H$."
Examples I know (described algebraically):
$G = S_n$, $H = GL(k)$, $V = ({\mathbb C}^k)^{\otimes n}$.
$G = H$, $V = Fun(G)$ (the Peter-Weyl theorem)
$G = GL(m)$, $H = GL(n)$, $V = Sym({\mathbb C}^m \otimes {\mathbb C}^n)$.
I know there should be some analogous one with $O(m)$ and $Sp(n)$...
My questions:
What are other examples?
Is there a general theory of these, that in particular would encompass Peter-Weyl? (So not just about actions on symmetric algebras.)