I was reading Yau's list of problems in geometry, and one of them is to prove that any almost complex manifold of complex dimension $n \geq 3$ admits a complex structure. It's been some time since Yau's list was published, so what is the status of this problem today?
Obviously it isn't hasn't been shown to be true, because we're still looking for complex structures on the six-sphere, but I have a vague feeling of having read that this doesn't hold. So do we know any counterexamples to this question? If not, then is anyone working on this problem?
Also, Yau only stated the problem for manifolds of dimension $n \geq 3$. We know this is true in dimension one, because there we have isothermal coordinates which give complex structures, but why didn't Yau mention almost complex surfaces? Do we know this holds there, or are there counterexamples in dimension 2?