A friend of mine asked me what is the flux of the electric field (or any vector field like $$ \vec r=(x,y,z)\mapsto \frac{\vec r}{|r|^3} $$ where $|r|=(x^2+y^2+z^2)^{1/2}$) through a Mobius strip. It seems to me there are no way to compute it in the "standard" way because the strip is not orientable, but if I think about the fact that such a strip can indeed be built (for example using a thin metal layer), I also think that an answer must be mathematically expressible.
Searching on Wikipedia I found that
A Möbius resistor is an electrical component made up of two conductive surfaces separated by a dielectric material, twisted 180° and connected to form a Möbius strip. It provides a resistor which has no residual self-inductance, meaning that it can resist the flow of electricity without causing magnetic interference at the same time.
How can I relate the highlighted phrase to some known differential geometry (physics, analysis?) theorem?
Thanks a lot!