I am new to stacks and algebraic spaces. I have the following question:
Let $X$ be a scheme and $G$ be a group scheme action on $X$. Then $X/G$ exists as an algebraic space. Let $\pi: X \to X/G$ be the natural map. Then by pullback and pushforward by $\pi$ we have $$Qcoh(X/G) = Qcoh(X)^G.$$ Do we have such an equality for coherent sheaves? If not then do we have the equality when we assume $G$ is finite or reductive or any other relevant properties?
In particular suppose action of $G$ on $X$ is free and $\pi$ is flat then any $G$-equivariant coherent sheaf descends to a coherent sheaf on $X/G$. My question is when is this descent effective?
Thanks in advance.