Thanks for your reading. I'm studying Selmer complex book by Jan Nekovar. For the definition of Selmer complex I meet a problem.
In the introduction(page 9, 0.8.0) the author gives us a definition of Selmer complex. Let $X$ be a bounded complexes of admissible $R[G_{K,S}]$, where $R$ is a complete local Noetherian ring with finite residue field of $char$ $p$, K global field with $char(K) \neq p$, S the classical finite set of primes of K, $G_v$ the Galois group for the local field over prime $v \in S_f$. The local conditions we use here is a collection $\Delta(X)=(\Delta_v(X))_{v \in S_f}$, Where $\Delta_v(X)$ is a morphism of complexes of $R$-modules,
$i_v^+(X):U_v^+(X) \rightarrow C^\bullet_{cont}(G_v,X). $
Then Selmer complex is given by
As we know total complex is defined for double complex. But here for the content inside bracket, why it is a double complex by the direction of two arrows? It seems the two arrows can not make it a double complex? Then On the page 135 he gives us second definition in 6.1.2 why the two form are the same? Thanks for your help!