To guarantee accuracy for code [1] that computes Faddeeva's w(z) [2] using Taylor expansions around different centers, I would need upper bounds for the absolute values $|w_n(z)|$ of the coefficients
$w_n(z) := \frac{w^{(n)}(z)}{n!}$
in the first quadrant for $|z|<7$. A bound for $|w_n/w_{n-1}|$ for $n$ larger than some $N$ would be particular helpful.
The following is known about the $w_n$:
(1) With $w_0(z) = w(z)$ and $w_{-1}(z) = -i/\sqrt{\pi}$, the recursion
$w_n = -\frac{2}{n}\left( z w_{n-1} + w_{n-2} \right)$
holds for $n=1,2,3,\ldots$
(2) For $\text{Im} z>0$,
$w_n(z) = (-1)^n \frac{i}{\pi} \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}dt\frac{e^{-t^2}}{(z-t)^n}$
(3) With the parabolic cylinder function $U$ [3],
$w_n(z) = \frac{i^n\sqrt{2}^{n+1}}{\sqrt{\pi}}\,e^{-z^2/2}\,U\left(n+\frac{1}{2}, -i\sqrt{2}z\right).$
(4) From numerical tests (always for $\text{Re} z \ge0$, $\text{Im} z \ge0$, $|z|<7$) it seems pretty certain, but is not proven:
- $\text{max}_z |w_0(z)| = 1$, reached at $z=0$.
- $|w_1(z)|$ may be larger than $|w_0(z)|$, but for $n>1$ the $|w_n(z)|$ are strictly decreasing functions of $n$.
Short of a full answer, I would also be grateful for hints which road is most promising.