On a smooth $d$ dimensional compact connected manifold $M$, for an $\mathbb{Z}_2$-valued $(d-j)$-cocycle $x_{d-j}$ we have the formula ${\text{Sq}}^{j} (x_{d-j}) = u_{j} \cup x_{d-j}$. Here $u_j \in H^{j}(M,{\mathbb{Z}}_2)$ is the $j$th Wu class and ${\text{Sq}}$ is the Steenrod squaring operation. When composed with the pairing with the $\mathbb{Z}_2$-fundamental class of $M$, this gives a ${\mathbb{Z}}_2$-linear map $H^{d-j}(M,{\mathbb{Z}_2})\rightarrow {\mathbb{Z}}_2$.
Now consider ${\text{Sq}}^{j_1} {\text{Sq}}^{j_2} (x_{d-j_1-j_2})$. This also gives a ${\mathbb{Z}}_2$-linear map $H^{d-j_1-j_2}(M,{\mathbb{Z}_2})\rightarrow {\mathbb{Z}}_2$ by pairing with the $\mathbb{Z}_2$-fundamental class of $M$, i.e. it defines an element of ${\text{Hom}}(H^{d-j_1-j_2}(M,{\mathbb{Z}_2}),{\mathbb{Z}}_2)$. This is isomorphic to $H_{j_1+j_2}(M,{\mathbb{Z}_2}) \cong H^{j_1+j_2}(M,{\mathbb{Z}_2})$. (This last isomorphism holds assuming the homology groups are all finitely generated). Thus there exists some cohomology class $v_{j_1,j_2} \in H^{j_1+j_2}(M,{\mathbb{Z}_2})$ such that ${\text{Sq}}^{j_1} {\text{Sq}}^{j_2} (x_{d-j_1-j_2}) = v_{j_1,j_2} \cup x_{d-j_1-j_2}$. Is there a formula for the cohomology class $v_{j_1,j_2}$ in terms of the characteristic classes of $M$?
I'm guessing the answer is no, since I haven't seen any such formula. I'm curious if my reasoning above is flawed in any way.