I'm working with a high-dimensional covariance matrix and exploring Kronecker product approximations to make it computationally manageable.
Here's the setup:
- I have a graph $G$ represented by a $D\times D$ matrix.
- The covariance matrix S of this graph has dimensions $(D\times D)\times(D\times D)$
- My goal is to approximate $S$ as a Kronecker product, $S \approx \hat U\otimes \hat V$
- Ideally, I'd like to use this approximation in a matrix normal distribution setting, where $S$'s Kronecker structure can simplify computations significantly.
Given that $D$ could be as large as $60$ or more, are there specific optimization algorithms or approaches for finding $\hat U$ and $\hat V$ that minimize the approximation error between $S$ and $\hat U\otimes \hat V$?
I'm looking for algorithms that are efficient in high-dimensional settings, where S is too large to handle directly. Any insights into iterative methods, approximate solutions, or best practices would be greatly appreciated.
I also assume this algorithms should be written in C++ as it involves a lot matrices computation, is it?
Edit ver
Given a large matrix S (e.g., dimensions 1M x 1M or 10,000 x 10,000), is it possible to factorize it exactly into matrices U and V in a Kronecker product setting, such that S=U⊗V? Or can we only achieve an approximation, where S≈U⊗V?
Below is an algorithm where it approximates a matrix into U,V using alternating least square. For example, given 10 nodes (D) of graph, you can depict this as a 10 x 10 matrix. The covariance (S) between each edge can be depicted as (10 x 10) x (10 x 10).
def kronecker_als_efficient(S, D, max_iter=100, tol=1e-6):
U = np.random.rand(D, D)
V = np.random.rand(D, D)
residuals = []
total_norm = norm(S, 'fro')
for it in range(max_iter):
S_tensor = S.reshape(D, D, D, D)
VVT = V @ V.T
for i in range(D):
for j in range(D):
numerator = np.sum(S_tensor[i, :, j, :] * VVT)
denominator = np.sum(VVT * VVT)
U[i, j] = numerator / (denominator + 1e-8)
UUT = U @ U.T
for i in range(D):
for j in range(D):
numerator = np.sum(S_tensor[:, i, :, j] * UUT)
denominator = np.sum(UUT * UUT)
V[i, j] = numerator / (denominator + 1e-8)
S_approx = np.kron(U, V)
residual = norm(S - S_approx, 'fro')
print(f"Iteration {it+1}, Residual: {residual:.6f}")
if residual / total_norm < tol:
return U, V, residuals
However, I think there should be a better way than this and find an exact solution.