$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\PGL{PGL}\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}$Consider the general linear group $\GL(n,q)$ over a finite field with $q$ elements and the corresponding special linear group $\SL(n,q).$
Consider the group $\PGL(n,q)=\GL(n,q)/Z_{\GL(n,q)}$ and its subgroup $\PSL(n,q)=\SL(n,q)/{Z_{\SL(n,q)}}\cong (\SL(n,q)\cdot Z_{\GL(n,q)})/{Z_{\GL(n,q)}},$ where $Z_G$ denotes the center of the group $G$.
The following relations for the centralizer seems to be well-known $$C_{\GL(n,q)}(\SL(n,q))=Z_{\GL(n,q)}$$ and $$C_{\PGL(n,q)}(\PSL(n,q))=\{I\}$$ (they can be proved easily once one knows that $\SL$ is generated by transvections, actually I think they are true over more general rings) but I am unable to find a source for these facts.
Can you provide a book/paper where I can find them?