Let's define the $\texttt{MinHalfSimpCycle}$ search problem: Given $G=(V, E)$ a complete, undirected graph with weights on the edges. We want a simple cycle in $G$ (each vertex appears in it at most once) of length $\bigl\lfloor|V|/2 \bigr\rfloor$, with minimal weight (the sum of the weights on the edges of the cycle).
Also, we will define $$\texttt{Hamiltonian}_{\texttt{st}}=\left\{\langle G, s, t\rangle: \text{There is a simple path from $s$ to $t$ passing through all vertices in $G$}\right\}.$$ Here $G$ is an undirected graph.
Reminder: We know that the following language is $\mathbf{NP}$-complete: $$\texttt{Hamiltonian}_{\texttt{cycle}}=\left\{\langle G \rangle: \text{There is a simple cycle passing through all vertices in $G$}\right\}.$$ Here $G$ is an also undirected graph.
I am interested to prove that if there is a polynomial algorithm that $\rho$-approximates the $\texttt{MinHalfSimpCycle}$ search problem for a constant $\rho>1$, then $\mathbf{P=NP}.$