I’ve been doing some numerical approximation of probability distributions. For continuous $\operatorname{PDF}$s (or $\operatorname{CDF}$s) greater smoothness can be exploited to achieve more efficient approximations (i.e., greater accuracy with fewer parameters).
In numerical analysis the extreme class of smoothness is often a set of functions that are analytic over some significant portion of the complex plane. For example, the Discrete Fourier Transform converges like $O(1/n)$ for functions with discontinuities on the real line, but if the function is analytic on a strip about the real line (with a bounded integral around the boundary of the domain) then the same Fourier Methods will converge like $O(e^{-\sqrt{n}})$. Similar exploitation of smoothness exists for orthogonal polynomials, Sinc-Methods, and some types of wavelet approximation.
I have examples where assuming that the $\operatorname{CDF}$ or $\operatorname{PDF}$ has an “analytic continuation” onto a region of the complex plane (i.e., strictly containing the original domain) yields significantly more efficient numerical approximations.
But this raises a philosophical question, to say that $\operatorname{PDF}(x)$ is analytic in some domain (of positive measure) implies that both $x$ and the probability density are complex valued.
For this to make sense do I need complex probabilities?
I think the answer is yes. I’d like the answer to be yes. For the functions describing a distribution to be analytic (i.e., over a non-trivial domain) the probabilities will have to take-on values over a non-trivial portion of the complex plane. That is, the image of an analytic function over a non-trivial domain must be a non-trivial region.
But at some level I don’t know what this would mean.
I see papers on real valued probabilities of complex signals or complex waveforms but am looking for the concept of complex probability.