Fix a ring R. I am looking for a construction of the adjunction between R-algebras and differential graded R-algebras. I am looking for a reference which constructs the left adjoint to the functor from differential graded algebras to R-algebras which sends $\text{A}$${}_{*}$ to the product $\Pi_{\text{n} \in \mathbb{N}} \text{A}_{\text{n}}$.
(Constructing the monoidal category of complexes of R-modules).
Chain complexes have a tensor product which is the total complex $\oplus_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ of the bicomplex $B_{* , *}$ C${}_{*}$ $\otimes$ D${}_{*}$ which is C${}_{n}$ $\otimes$ D${}_{m}$ is in (n,m) and where the map C${}_{n}$ $\otimes$ D${}_{m}$ $\rightarrow$ C${}_{n}$${}_{+1}$ $\otimes$ D${}_{m}$ gets a sign for even n.
(Constructing the monoidal category of differential graded $R$-algebras).
A differential graded $R$-algebra is a monoid-object in differential.