In On a Gel'fand-Yaglom-Peres theorem for f-divergences, Gilardoni proved the Gelfand–Yaglom–Perez Theorem for general $f$-divergence, i.e. $f$-divergence between two probability measures $P$ and $Q$ equals the supremum of the same $f$-divergence computed over all finite measurable partitions of the original space.
To be precise, let $P$, $Q$ be two probability measures on $\mathbf{X}$ with a $\sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{F}$. Given a $\mathbf{F}$-measureable partitions $E = \{E_1,E_2,\dotsc, E_n\}$, define the distribution $P_E$ on $[n]= \{1,2,\dotsc, n\}$ by $P_E(i) = P(E_i)$ and $Q_E(i) = Q(E_i)$. Then we have $$D_f(P|| Q) = \sup_{E} D_f(P_E||Q_E),$$ where the supremum is over all finite $\mathbf{F}$-measurable partitions $E$ and $D_f$ is $f$-divergence.
If we are working on a product space, say $\mathbf{X}^2$ with $\sigma$-algebra $\mathbf{F}\otimes \mathbf{F}$ and assume $P$, $Q$ are probability measures on $\mathbf{X}^2$, by directly using the above theorem, we know that $D_f(P||Q)$ could be approached by $D_f(P_E||Q_E)$ on finite partition $E$ on $\mathbf{X}^2$ (meaning that for any $\epsilon > 0$, we can find a partition $E$ such that $D_f(P_E||Q_E) > D_f(P||Q) - \epsilon$). But this partition may not be induced by partition on $\mathbf{X}$, i.e. there may not exist a partition $I = \{I_1,I_2,\dotsc,I_m\}$ on $\mathbf{X}$ such that $E = \{I_k\times I_l\}_{k,l=1}^m$. I am wondering that can we guarantee that $D_f(P||Q)$ could be approached by the "rectangular partition" I just mentioned?