Consider the first neighbors Ising model in $\mathbb Z^2$, with the Hamiltonian in the finite volume $\Lambda\subset\mathbb{Z}^2$ given by $$ H_{\Lambda}(\sigma|\omega)=-J\sum_{i,j\in\Lambda\atop{\|i-j\|=1}}\sigma_i\sigma_j-J\sum_{i\in\Lambda, j\in\Lambda^c\atop{\|i-j\|=1}}\sigma_i\omega_j $$ where $\omega\in\{-1,1\}^{\mathbb{Z}^2}$ is a boundary condition.
By the Aizenman-Higuchi Theorem for any $\beta>0$, we have that closed convex hull of the weak limits of Gibbs measures in finite volume is the convex set $ [\mu^{\beta,+},\mu^{\beta,-}]. $
Question: Is there any $\beta>\beta_c$ and $\lambda\in(0,1)$ such that
\mu\notin \left\{w-\lim_{\Lambda\uparrow\mathbb{Z}^2}\ \ \mu_{\Lambda}^{\beta,\omega}:\omega\in\{-1,1\}^{\mathbb{Z}^2} \right\} \ \ ?