Let $0<\alpha_{j}<1$, $j=1,\dots,d+1$. I am trying to estimate the following singular integral: $$I(y_{1},\dots,y_{d},z):=\int_{\substack{ x\in[0,1]^{d}\\ 1/2<|x|<1}} \frac{d x_{1} \dots d x_{d}}{|x_{1}-y_{1}|^{\alpha_{1}}\dots |x_{d}-y_{d}|^{\alpha_{d}}\,|z^2-|x|^2|^{\alpha_{d+1}}}, $$ where $0<y_{j}<1/2$, $0<z<1$.
If this is a standard integral that has a known estimate, please refer me to some reference.
I can show precisely that in the one-dimensional case $d=1$, one has $$I\lesssim \frac{1}{(y_{1}+z)^{\alpha_{2}} |z-y_{1}|^{\alpha_{1}+\alpha_{2}-1}}\quad (1).$$ To achieve that, I simply consider all the nine possibilities that come from combining one of the cases $x>>y_{1}$, $y_{1}>>x$, and $x\sim y_{1}$ with one of the cases $x>>z$, $z>>x$, and $x\sim z$. In the case ($x\sim y_{1}$ and $x\sim z$), I use a dyadic decomposition. I put one of the singular factors in a dyadic interval and integrate the other singular factor explicitly.
I don't know how to generalize that to higher dimensions.
Let $\lambda_{1},\dots,\lambda_{d},\lambda\leq 1$ be dyadic numbers. If we set $|x_{j}-y_{j}|\sim \lambda_{j}$ and $||x|-z|\sim \lambda$, then the problem reduces to estimating the measure of $\Omega=R\cap S$, the intersection of the rectangle $$R:=\{[y_{1}+\lambda_{1}/2,y_{1}+\lambda_{1}]\times\dots \times [y_{d}+\lambda_{d}/2,y_{d}+\lambda_{d}]\}$$ with the spherical shell $$S:=\{z+\lambda/2<|x|<z+\lambda\}.$$ For $\Omega$ to be nonempty, we necessarily have $$z+\lambda \sim y_{1}+\dots+y_{d}+\lambda_{1}+\dots+\lambda_{d}.$$ How proceed from here ?