I have a (Gaussian) random function (aka "stochastic process" or "random field") $(f(t))_{t\in \mathbb{R}^d}$. I now want to consider the vector valued random function $g=(f, \nabla f)$. The question is: When is the covariance function of $g$ strict positive definite?
I am looking for sufficient conditions. Especially for the case where $f$ is isotropic in particular the covariance functions valid in all dimensions, which are of the form $$ \tag{standard isotropic} C_f(x,y) = \int_{[0,\infty)} \exp\bigl( -\frac{\|x-y\|^2t^2}2\bigr) \mu(dt) $$ for some finite measure $\mu$ on $[0,\infty)$. Ideally this is true for all of them.
Positive Definite Refresher
The covariance function $C_f(x,y) = \text{Cov}(f(x),f(y))$ of $g$ is (strict) positive definite if for any finite number of distinct points $x_1,\dots x_n$ the matrix $$ (C_f(x_i, x_j))_{i,j=1,\dots,n} $$ is (strict) positive definite. Strict positive definiteness is thus equivalent to $\forall v\in \mathbb{C}^n\setminus\{0\}$, we have $$ \sum_{i,j=1}^n v_i \bar{v}_j C_f(x_i, x_j) > 0. $$ For matrix valued covariance functions such as $C_g$, the natural extension is to either treat the index of $g$ as another input, i.e. $g(i,x) = g_i(x)$ ensuring that $g$ is scalar valued again, or alternatively requrie for vector valued $v_i$ $$ \sum_{i,j=1}^n v^*_j C_f(x_i, x_j)v_i > 0. $$ Both approaches are equivalent. Another equivalent formulation of positive definiteness for random functions is, that $$ \mathbb{V}\Bigl(\sum_{i=1}^n v_i f(x_i) \Bigr) > 0 $$ i.e. it is impossible to get something deterministic out of a finite linear combination of random function evaluations. In the case of $g$ this implies $$ 0<\mathbb{V}\Bigl(\sum_{j=0}^n\sum_{i=1}^n v_i^j g_j(x_i) \Bigr) = \mathbb{V}\Bigl[\sum_{i=1}^n \Bigl(v^0_i f(x_i)+\sum_{j=1}^n v_i^j \partial_j f(x_i)\Bigr)\Bigr] $$
Possible Approaches to this Problem
Sufficient conditions for $C_f$ to be strict positive definite
If $C_f$ is continuous, stationary and there exists no non-zero trigonometric polynomial which vanishes on the support of the spectral measure of $C_f$ (Sasvári 2013, Theorem 3.1.4). Special cases:
- If the support of the spectral measure of $C_f$ includes a non-empty open set (Theorem 3.1.6)
- If $C_f$ is radial (aka $f$ is isotropic) and the dimension is greater 2. (Theorem 3.1.5)
If $C_f$ is a universal kernel, it is strictly positive definite Carmeli et al. 2010 although this statement is made without proof (I am missing a reference). And it appears to be sufficient, that the support of the spectral measure has positive Lebesgue measure (https://math.stackexchange.com/a/4446283/445105)
So under the standard isotropy assumption, we know that $f$ is certainly strictly positive definite as a the covariance is radial. The question is, how to get anything about $g$. Since $g(i,x)=g_i(x)$ results in the problem, that the covariance function of $g$ is not even stationary with regard to the input $(i,x)$, it is impossible to obtain a spectral measure for $g$. So I am a bit out of ideas.