
Note: I've entirely rewritten this question! Originally it was just the third formulation, take note of that when reading answers.

Let's say $S$ is a $b$-automatic set, and let's say $M$ is a DFA that defines it when the numbers are read from the little end (right-to-left). Say $\overline{d}(S)$ is the upper density of $S$, and say $\overline{p}(M)$ is the acceptance probability of $M$ on a random infinite string on $\{0,\ldots,b-1\}$ when viewed as a Büchi machine, i.e., we consider $M$ to accept on an infinite string iff it infinitely often passes through an accepting state.

Is $\overline{d}(S)\le \overline{p}(M)$?

Equivalently, we could instead define $\underline{p}(M)$ to be the acceptance probability when viewed as a co-Büchi machine, i.e., we consider it to accept on an infinite string iff it eventually passes only through accepting states, and then ask, is $\underline{d}(S)\ge \underline{p}(M)$?

Also equivalently (I'll skip spelling out the equivalence here), we could restrict consideration to machines $M$ where $\overline{p}(M)=\underline{p}(M)$ -- which really means we can restrict further to machines where from every state it is possible to reach a sink state -- and ask, in this case, do we have $d(S)=p(M)$? (Where $p$ is to $\overline{p}$ and $\underline{p}$ as $d$ is to $\overline{d}$ and $\underline{d}$.)

Also, if the above question is false for natural density, or can't easily be proven for such, could it at least be true for logarithmic density?

Now note that I said that $M$ has to define $S$ when we read numbers from the little end, that's because the question is false if we're reading from the big end (consider e.g. numbers that start with a $1$ in ternary). But it could potentially still be true AFAIK for logarithmic density in that case, so that's another potential question. Although I don't really care so much about the big-endian case...

I have three additional variants on the question I want to ask (because the case I originally care about has more complications I'm afraid), which can also be combined with the variants above. But I'd gladly accept just an answer to the simplified question above, because it's quite interesting on its own.

Complication #1: What if instead $S$ is a $k$-dimensional $b$-automatic set, with the same conditions? So we would be plugging in $k$ random infinite strings on $\{0,...,b-1\}$. Does the inequality hold in this case?

(Is logarithmic density a thing in this setting? I guess you would weight $(n_1,...,n_k)$ by $\prod_i \frac{1}{n_i}$? I don't know if there's a standard version.)

Complication #2: Let's go back to the one-dimensional case. What if now, instead of being $b$-automatic, the set is Zeckendorf-automatic?

In this case, of course, we'll need to adjust our probabilities accordingly. We're plugging in a random infinite string on $\{0,1\}$, but it's no longer uniformly random. Rather, the first digit is a $0$ with probability $\frac{1}{\varphi}$ and a $1$ with probability $\frac{1}{\varphi^2}$, and we use this same distribution after a $0$, but after a $1$ we always put a $0$. (So it's not actually a Markov chain anymore, because it's no longer memoryless... although you could still construe it as one by thinking in terms of $0$ and $10$, so Markov chain techniques could likely still be made to work here.)

Does the inequality hold here? Once again, with natural density if possible or logarithmic density is not.

Complication #3: Combine complications #1 and #2; the set is both multidimensional and Zeckendorf-automatic. You can fill in the details. Unfortunately, at this point we really don't have a finite Markov chain anymore; I don't see any way to construe this case as one.

(This is the case that led to the question -- the set I'm looking at is a two-dimensional Zeckendorf-automatic set. And its machine also obeys the $\overline{p}(M)=\underline{p}(M)$ condition. I was hoping to compute its density, and I would consider this to be the obvious way, but I don't know that it's valid!)

Thanks all!

  • $\begingroup$ I don't quite understand the model. Is the point that the DFA only accepts or rejects at a sink? If so, this seriously restricts the class of automatic sets/languages you can recognize --- it's equivalent to the language being a suffix code. $\endgroup$
    – Sophie M
    Commented Apr 1 at 20:03
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ No, it accepts or rejects anywhere, but the accept/reject status of these other nodes doesn't affect the acceptance probability when you plug in a random infinite string. Which means if the answer to my question is yes, they don't affect the density. But if it's no, they might! $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 1 at 22:38

2 Answers 2


I'm posting a new answer because I think the discussion on my previous answer is helpful for understanding the edits to the question, and what I'm adding here is a complete rewrite and is much too long to add to my previous answer. The punchline is that if $S$ is an automatic set recognized by a DFA in which all states reach a sink, then $S$ is a union of congruence classes (good for density) if it's recognized in the little-endian sense, whereas it's a union of geometrically scaled intervals (bad for density) if it's recognized in the big-endian sense.

Let $\Omega = \{ 0,1, \dots, b-1 \}^{\mathbb{N}}$ with the usual topology and its Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{F}$, and let $P$ be the iid uniform process on $\Omega$. We are going to use $\omega \sim P$ as input to some fixed DFA $M$ in which every state has a path to a sink (yielding a Markov chain on the states of $M$), so that in particular $\omega$ reaches a sink almost surely in finite time. We will consider $P$-a.e.-defined big- and little-endian maps $\Omega \to \mathbb{N}$.

Specifically, for $\omega \in \Omega$, let $T(\omega)$ be the supremum of the set of $t$ such that the terminal state of $\omega_0 \cdots \omega_t$ is not a sink. For $1 \leq T < \infty$, let $\Omega_T = \{ \omega \, | \, T(\omega) \leq T \}$ and let $\Omega_{\infty} = \bigcup_{T = 1}^{\infty} \Omega_T$. Then $P(\Omega_T) = 1 - O(\theta^T)$ for some $0 \leq \theta < 1$ depending on the structure of $M$, and in particular $P(\Omega_{\infty}) = 1$. We now define big- and little-endian maps $B,L: \Omega_{\infty} \to \mathbb{N}$, as follows.

For $\omega \in \Omega_{T}$, let $$ B(\omega) = \omega_{T-1} + \omega_{T-2} b + \cdots + \omega_1 b^{T-2} + \omega_0 b^{T-1} $$ and $$ L(\omega) = \omega_0 + \omega_1 b + \cdots + \omega_{T-2} b^{T-2} + \omega_{T-1} b^{T-1}. $$ These maps yield probability measures $B_* P$ and $L_* P$ on $\mathbb{N}$. If I understand your question (in the third/original formulation) correctly, then for an automatic set $S \subset \mathbb{N}$ that is recognized by $M$ in the big-endian sense, the question is about $B_* P(S)$ vs. the asymptotic behaviour of $\frac{1}{N} | S \cap [1,N] |$, and similarly for the little-endian sense and $L_* P(S)$. Indeed, we certainly have $$ \frac{1}{N} | (S \setminus B(B^{-1}(S))) \cap [1,N] ) | \to 0 $$ as $N \to \infty$, and the same for $L$. That is, the only elements of $S$ that are not in the image of $B$ (or $L$) are those that are too small or unusual for their base$-b$ expansion to reach a sink.

For $\omega \in \Omega_T$, let $Z(\omega)$ be the greatest $Z \leq T-1$ such that $\omega_Z \neq 0$ and let $Y(\omega)$ be the least $Y \leq T-1$ such that $\omega_Y \neq 0$, defining $Y(\omega) = T-1$ if $\omega_0 \cdots \omega_{T-1} = 0^T$. Then in fact $$ B(\omega) = \omega_{T-1} + \omega_{T-2} b + \cdots + \omega_{Y(\omega)+1} b^{T-2-Y(\omega)} + \omega_{Y(\omega)} b^{T-1-Y(\omega)} $$ and $$ L(\omega) = \omega_0 + \omega_1 b + \cdots + \omega_{Z(\omega)-1} b^{Z(\omega) - 1} + \omega_{Z(\omega)} b^{Z(\omega)}. $$ Therefore, for $n \in \mathbb{N}$ with base-$b$ expansion $$ n = a_0 + a_1 b + \cdots + a_{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor} b^{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor}, $$ we have $B(\omega) = n$ iff $T(\omega) - Y(\omega) - 1 = \lfloor \log_b n \rfloor$ and $$ \omega_{T(\omega)-1} \omega_{T(\omega)-2} \cdots \omega_{Y(\omega) + 1} \omega_{Y(\omega)} = a_0 a_1 \cdots a_{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor - 1} a_{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor}. $$ Similarly, we have $L(\omega) = n$ iff $Z(\omega) = \lfloor \log_b n \rfloor$ and $$ \omega_0 \omega_1 \cdots \omega_{Z(\omega) - 1} \omega_{Z(\omega)} = a_0 a_1 \cdots a_{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor - 1} a_{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor}. $$

In particular, for any $n \in \mathbb{N}$, $$ B^{-1}(\{ n \}) = B^{-1}\left( \bigcup_{k=1}^{\infty} [ n b^{k \lfloor \log_b n \rfloor }, (n+1) b^{k \lfloor \log_b n \rfloor } - 1 ] \right) $$ while $$ L^{-1}(\{ n \}) = L^{-1}\left( \{ m \in \mathbb{N} \, | \, m \equiv n \mod b^{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor + k(n)} \} \right) $$ where $T(a_0 a_1 \cdots a_{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor} 0 0 \cdots ) = \lfloor \log_b n \rfloor + k(n)$. That is, $L(\omega) = n$ iff $\omega$ starts with the little-endian base-$b$ expansion of $n$ and then continues with a run of $0$'s until it reaches a sink.

In particular, $$ L_*P(\{ n \}) = b^{-( \lfloor \log_b n \rfloor + k(n) )} $$ which is equal to the density of the congruence class of $n$ modulo $b^{\lfloor \log_b n \rfloor + k(n)}$. On the other hand, the union of geometrically scaled intervals in the expression for $B^{-1}(\{ n \})$ has no density! It oscillates between two different values in the same way that the finite-interval density of the set of numbers with $1$ for their most significant digit in ternary oscillates between $1/2$ and $3/4$.

To conclude, use the exponential convergence $P(\Omega_T) = 1 - O(\theta^T)$ to approximate $L_*P(S)$ and $B_*P (S)$ by finite sums of terms $L_* P(\{ n \})$ and $B_* P(\{ n \})$ respectively, and apply finite additivity of asymptotic density.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you! I'm a bit confused about the end though -- OK, that gets you the overall probability, but where does the overall density come in? Given that density is only finitely additive, after all (otherwise there wouldn't be a problem). $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 19 at 5:53
  • $\begingroup$ (Btw, I think you have some off-by-one or off-by-two errors -- it looks like right now you're defining $L$ based on where $\omega$ is just before it hits a sink, rather than when it hits a sink. But that's obviously not that important. Also to be clear I was absolutely not thinking in terms of $L_*P$, I was thinking more about the sequence stabilizing at the sink rather than stopping there and recording the number created this way, but it looks like that may be a useful way to think about it. :) ) $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 19 at 5:55
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Oh wait, I just realized another potential problem with this answer. It's not true that extending a number with $0$'s necessarily leads to a sink. Consider e.g. if $b=2$ and $S$ consists of numbers such that between consecutive $1$s in the binary expansions there's always an odd number of $0$s. Moving around randomly leads to a sink with probability $1$, but for many numbers extending with $0$s will lead to cycling between 2 states, without hitting a sink! $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 19 at 7:40
  • $\begingroup$ If you don't mind, I'm just going to email you -- I'm interested in understanding exactly what is going on with the various formulations of your question, and I think there are enough details to spell out that it's best not to try to get them right through successive modifications to this answer. $\endgroup$
    – Sophie M
    Commented Apr 19 at 8:11
  • $\begingroup$ Sure, go ahead, email address is on my website linked in my profile! $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 19 at 8:43

I believe the answer to Question 1 is positive, though maybe I've misunderstood something and the following sketch misses something important.

For $n \in [1,N]$, the DFA halts and decides whether $n \in S$ given the $b$-ary expansion of $n$, which has length $\lfloor \log_b N \rfloor$, left-padded with $0$'s if necessary.

As OP says, iid input to a DFA yields a Markov chain on the underlying (directed) graph. The probability of not reaching a sink after seeing the $T$th digit is $O(\lambda^T)$ where $0 < \lambda < 1$ is the maximum among the Perron eigenvalues of a finite set of matrices related to the transition matrix for the original Markov chain. Let $p$ be the limiting probability of accepting.

Compare the density $\delta_N(S) = \frac{1}{N}|S \cap [1,N]|$ to the probability of accepting after $T$ symbols where $\lfloor \log_b N \rfloor \leq T \leq \lceil \log_b N \rceil$. The probability of not reaching a sink after seeing the $T$th digit is then $O(N^{-\alpha})$ where $\alpha = \log_b(1/\lambda) > 0$. So you have $\delta_N(S) - p = O(N^{-\alpha})$.

Elaborating in response to comments. If you try this with the big-endian convention, i.e. $S$ is defined by a direct-reading (big-endian, rather than reverse-reading/little-endian) DFA, then I don't see how you set up the Markov chain analysis I've described.

To apply anything like what the question describes, using a random infinite string, the underlying probability space has to be $\Omega = \{ 0, \dots, b-1 \}^{\mathbb{N}}$, $\mathcal{F} = \text{Borel}(\Omega)$, $P =$ iid uniform process. This yields a Markov chain on the underlying graph of the DFA. In particular, the first (or zeroth) digit in the random infinite string $\omega \in \Omega$ needs to be the first one you read, because it's the first step in the Markov chain.

In order to read (the $b$-ary expansion of) an integer from the most significant digit, you have to have a most significant, digit from which to read. What, then, is your probability measure on $T$-digit integers? What is the finite algebra on which the measure is defined, and how does it relate to $\mathcal{F}$? How are you connecting a random $T$-digit integer $n$ with a random infinite string $\omega$?

I see two possibilities, neither of which makes sense.

  1. The most significant digit of $n$ is the zeroth digit of $\omega$. This doesn't make sense because $n$ only has finitely many digits as you move toward the least significant digit---not just finitely many nonzero digits, but actually finitely many at all---so there's no meaningful way to use the rest of $\omega$. Moreover, it means that you aren't using a consistent mapping $\mathbb{N} \to \Omega$, because the mapping depends on the number of digits: having a $0$ in the $i$th $b$-ary digit of a $T$-digit integer corresponds to having a $0$ in the $(T-i)$th digit of the infinite string $\omega$.

  2. You're using a time-reversed Markov chain, where you use the full joint distribution, on the finite algebra generated by the first $T$ digits of the infinite string $\omega$, to work out the conditional state distribution at digit $T-i$ conditioned on the state at digit $T-(i-1)$. But this is not the chain you want to be using.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This is a helpful start, thanks! But there's something confusing me here: Where does this use the fact that we're reading from the little end? We know the statement is false if we start at the big end, but this sketch doesn't seem to use the fact that we're reading from the little end. Also, maybe I'm missing something, but while this bounds the probability of not reaching a sink, it doesn't seem to say anything about the distribution on the sinks after $T$ being close to the limiting distribution? (I guess that's probably easy to add in?) $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 3 at 5:43
  • $\begingroup$ First question: by reading from the big end, I guess you mean that you fix $T \approx \log_b N$ then compute $|S \cap [1,N]|$ by looking at the integers with $T$ digits? The difference, digging into the weeds a bit, is that you're then no longer looking at successive refinements of partitions/algebras on the space of left-infinite strings $\{0, 1, \dots, b-1 \}^{\mathbb{N}}$. It occurs to me that maybe what I need to say in my second para is that when you halt after $T$ digits from the right, you're really computing the probability of accepting assuming it's all $0$'s to the left. $\endgroup$
    – Sophie M
    Commented Apr 3 at 14:46
  • $\begingroup$ Second question: yes, easy to add in. The limiting acceptance probability is the sum of the probabilities of the accepting sinks. If most strings have hit a sink already at $T$ digits, then the fraction that have reached a given sink is going to be close to the limiting probability of that sink. $\endgroup$
    – Sophie M
    Commented Apr 3 at 14:49
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ No, by "reading from the big end" vs "reading from the little end" isn't refering to something about the compuation, it's about how we define the set itself. By "reading from the little end" -- right-to-left, as I also clarified in the original question -- I mean that we are feeding in the digits of the number starting at the little end, the 1s place, and then moving to the left; as opposed to starting at the highest place and moving right. These will give you different sets, and the big-endian version doesn't work with natural density! (But it might still with logarithmic density?) $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 3 at 22:02
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I mean it looks like you are in fact thinking of reading from the little end, I just don't see how this sketch uses that fact, like, if we imagined it was reading from this big end, it looks to me like this sketch would still apply; yet we know it doesn't work in that case, so that suggests something is wrong with the original. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 3 at 22:04

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