Consider the following population model: We start with a population of a single cell at time $t=0$. Each cell divides into $k$ new cells at random times $T$ distributed according to a probability density function $f(T)$. We now wait for a long time and pick a random cell in the current population. Assuming we are in the $t\to \infty$ regime, what will be the average remaining time before division?
For the case $k=1$, this is a renewal process and I believe that the average remaining time will be $\frac{\mathbb{E}\left[T^2\right]}{2\mathbb{E}\left[T\right]}$. However I am unsure how to extend it for $k>1$. Ideally, I would like to express it in terms of a large deviation principle but my textbooks (e.g. Karlin and Taylor, Athreya, Harris) do not cover this case (I think!). An exact reference or just a brief derivation would be enough.