Let $G$ be a finite flat non-smooth group scheme over an algebraically closed field $k$, for example, $G$ can be $\operatorname{Spec}(\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p[t]/(t^p))$. Then the classifying stack $\mathcal{X}:=BG$ is a smooth algebraic stack over $k$, so the diagonal of this stack is also smooth. However, by some computation, the stabilizer group scheme of a point $x: \operatorname{Spec}(k)\to \mathcal{X}$ is $G$, which is a base change of the smooth morphism $\triangle:\mathcal{X}\to \mathcal{X}\times_k \mathcal{X}$ along $x: \operatorname{Spec}(k)\to \mathcal{X}$, but $G$ is not smooth.
Question: which statement(s) in the above paragraph is wrong?