I am looking for natural bijections from the set of integer partitions of $n$ to itself. Of course, I have no definition of natural, but for the purpose of this question it suffices that it appears in the literature.
I currently know of three families of bijections:
The Franklin-Glaisher bijections, that map the set of parts divisible by $s$ to the set of parts which occur at least $s$ times, see https://www.findstat.org/MapsDatabase/Mp00312 for the $s=2$ case.
A family of involutions depending on a positive rational number $r/s$ due to Loehr, Nicholas A.; Warrington, Gregory S., A continuous family of partition statistics equidistributed with length, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 116, No. 2, 379-403 (2009). ZBL1188.05012. These involutions can be combined to obtain, for example, a bijection sending the length to the diagonal inversion number of a partition, see https://www.findstat.org/MapsDatabase/Mp00322.
$s$-conjugation, which maps the number of parts divisible by $s$ to the number of cells in the Ferrers diagram which have leg length $0$ and arm length equal to $s-1$ mod $s$, see https://www.findstat.org/MapsDatabase/Mp00321 for the $s=2$ case. Note that for $s=1$ this is simply conjugation. The general case is current work joint with other members of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik at the University of Vienna.
Do you know of any other natural bijections on the set of all integer partitions of $n$?